
Professor of Education

University of Winnipeg, Canada

Dr. Karen Magro completed her doctoral studies in adult learning theories, literacy education, and counselling psychology at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto in 1999.

Her research, teaching, and consulting work are in adult learning, transformative learning theory, creativity, social justice education, arts based education, museum studies, English language arts education, emotional intelligence and educational leadership, teachers’ personal philosophies of practice, and refugee and newcomer studies.

Dr. Magro has written many articles and book chapters. She has been both a leading contributor and editor of several books, most recently, Transcultural literacies: Re-visioning relationships in teaching and learning (Magro & Honeyford, 2019: Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press. Karen has over 30 years of experience as an educator and consultant, and has taught both nationally and internationally. Dr. Magro has earned numerous awards for her work in teaching and research.

Karen is currently working on a Global Citizenship book; her focus explores the importance of teachers encouraging literacies of compassion and hope in a changing world (Kornelsen, Balzer, & Magro, 2020). She is also completing a book on creative teaching in English language arts education.

Karen also continues to serve as the Editor-in-Chief for The International Journal of Talent Development and Creativity, ICIE.


Karen Magro